25 yrs silver jubilee 1995-2020 Jeewan Public School

About our School

Mr. Lalit Yadav

Sr. Manager

Sr. Manager’s Message

It is a matter of utmost pleasure and pride for me to be associated with Jeewan Public Secondary School, Dwarka from the past so many years and see it metamorphosing into an excellent institution of education in Delhi and NCR. We at JPS, Dwarka are striving to impart holistic education to create ignited minds that are an epitome of a balanced, efficient, dynamic and future global citizen.

With knowledge being a click away, students today are inundated with information. As educators, we too need to constantly update and upgrade ourselves. Classrooms thus have witnessed a paradigm shift from being centers of providing information to being centers of collaborative and comprehensive learning. The emphasis is thus on various important life skills such as critical thinking, decision making, empathy, creative thinking, problem solving, interpersonal relationship, coping up with stress & emotions and social graces. We need to work on these life skills to groom the students of today to become more conscious, conscientious and sensitive citizens of tomorrow.

Let the light of knowledge and wisdom eradicate the darkness of ignorance and enlighten our path to success and glory.


The Library offers reading material on a myriad subjects, reference books, encyclopedias, journals, magazines, audio-visual aids, language games, etc..

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Pearson DigiClass

Education is a constantly evolving Field and the recent times have witnessed metamorphic changes in our Educational System. For many of us, where our..

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Science Lab

The School has a state of the art well-equipped laboratory for imparting practical knowledge in Science. The aim of having a Science Laboratory is to provide..

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Math Lab

Maths Lab

The School has a wonderful Maths Laboratory with all the Latest tools and apparatus required. It is a place where students can learn and explore various..

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